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All Sessions
- Players must sign in and pay before entering a court.
- Show respect to session organisers and adhere to the session format.
- If the format does not suit you, you are not required to play. A variety of formats are offered to cater to different preferences.
Monday Sessions (King of the Court – KOTC)
- Format: Semi-competitive; scores are not recorded.
- Structure: Ladder-style play where winners move up and losers move down.
- Registration:
- Opens at 5:30 pm.
- Cut-off at 5:50 pm. Late arrivals will start at the bottom of the ladder.
- Court rankings and assignments are determined at 5:50 pm, based on:
- Thursday rankings,
- Tuesday results, and
- Other relevant considerations.
- Maximum Capacity: 45 players (10 courts with 5 byes).
- Session Timing:
- Gate closes at 6:00 pm.
- Players must be on their assigned court by 6:00 pm.
- Byes:
- If over 40 players are present, byes may be required.
- Bye allocation will be explained at the start of the session.
- Players are encouraged to distribute byes fairly to ensure equal rest periods.
Tuesday Team Fixtures (Competitive Format)
- Structure:
- 10/11 week season, including a presentation night.
- Fee: $10 x how many weeks for the entire season, payable upon registration.
- Unlimited members are covered in their membership.
- Sign-in: Required for every session.
- Injuries and Cancellations:
- Refunds for unused games will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
- If more than one week is rained out, compensation will be provided via session vouchers or a discount on the next season’s fees.
- Teams:
- Finalised and assigned by the committee.
- Permanent team spots are exclusive to HBPC members. Reserves may include non-members.
- Session Timing:
- On the first night, arrive 30 minutes early to meet your team, ask questions, and warm up.
- For subsequent weeks, arrive by 5:50 pm for a 6:00 pm start.
- Rain Policy:
- Sessions affected by rain are skipped, and no points are allocated to any team.
- Team Composition:
- Teams consist of four players grouped by skill level, mobility, playstyle, and other factors to create balanced teams.
- Reasonable adjustments to team member placements are permitted during the season but must be approved by the session organisers beforehand.
- Grievances:
- Concerns about placements, reserves, or teams must be submitted via formal email. Do not approach session organisers directly.
- Reserves:
- Specific reserve requests can be made, but final decisions rest with organisers, based on skill compatibility, opponent strength, and availability.
Thursday Individual Fixtures
- Open only to members of HBPC or other clubs affiliated with the Pickleball Australia Association (PAA).
Social Sessions
- Format: Mixed, players are encouraged to rotate between games to play with a mix of different players
- Attendance: Simply turn up and play.
Monthly Skills and Drills
- Fees:
- $5 for members.
- $10 for non-members.