It’s appreciated paying for your team and sorting individual payments for simplicity, otherwise you can share this link with individual team-mates.
Garlic bread is included, and a group pizza order will arrive based on the selections below at roughly 3/4 of a pizza per person. There is a free text field at the end of the form for any specific allergies, requests or other comments of note.
Day Format. Exact start times based on final numbers, looking to finalise the draw weekend of 20th April with only minor tweaks afterwards so plenty of notice. Saturday will be one big pool, Sunday will have two big pools. Aiming for 10 games per player (2 hours of guaranteed gameplay). The format is doubles, so when Team 1 vs Team 2, you can decide on which 2 players will play which 2 players of theirs, doesn’t matter. The first two players will play their 12 minute timed game, then swap. So you’ll be on, off in rotation. We understand not every player can play for hours + hours + hours, when official draw stops happy for those keen to continue playing!
9am to 10am – Warm up and confirming attendance
10am to 12pm – First half of games
12pm to 1pm – Lunch break
1pm to 3pm – Remainder of games
Free play afterwards for the keen beans 😀
Saturday night we have a private function room booked at the Clubhouse Hervey Bay, order off the menu so we’re only capturing RSVPs.
In case of a washout, we have 11th and 12th of May available as a fallback.